
These have been tested with Deanna’s regular piano studio over the last year and they are “family approved.” Most online courses are like picking up a book at the library. Lots of helpful information but you’re on your own for working your way through it. Our course is a bit more like stepping into a group class environment. What makes this course different?
  1. Real Weekly Interactions: Community.  Videos and assignments will be delivered through a new app called “Channels” made by Marco Polo. You will be able to respond with video questions and answers and see what other students are asking. This will build a real community feel into the lessons.
  2. Course Happens on your phone or tablet. We will be using the new Channels app to deliver videos and other content so it will be easier than ever to watch and get started playing the piano.
  3. Course Content Available On Demand. When you log in you’ll find the course content for approximately 2-3 months available whenever you are ready. All lessons and assignments are organized by “Weeks” and you can watch on your schedule and work at your own pace. Each week contains Folk Song assignmentes, Rote Repertoire pieces, technique exercises and either Improvisation or Rhythm assignments.
  4. Individualized Feedback. When you comment on a post, our teachers will be able to see your comments and respond with encouragement, helpful tips and fun ideas. You won’t be left on your own wondering if you’re doing it right. We’ll be there to help every step of the way! 

It’s like having a piano teacher and music community in your pocket!

Bonus Features –

UPlay Piano: Basics

(Start With This Course)

Available March 2021

Skills Learned:

UPlay Piano: Forte

Coming Fall 2021

Skills Learned:

UPlay Piano: Music Masters

Coming Summer 2022

Skills Learned: